Supportive Ministries
Southern York County Pantry
The Pantry is a non-profit registered charity whose mission is to assist those residents of the Southern York County with emergency food and/or assistance. It is Located in the Outreach Building of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in New Freedom.
FOR ASSISTANCE, call 717-235-6370
For volunteer opportunities, Contact Linda Miller,
Clothing Bank
Dedicated volunteers devote their time sorting seasonal clothing and placing them on shelves and hangers for those in need. The St. John's Clothing Bank is open Wednesdays and Saturdays 9:30 - 10:30 am.
Donations can be dropped off inside the garage door (from 8 am - 8 pm) located to the right of the Outreach Center (please have lightly used and cleaned items placed in a bag or box).
CONTACT: Lucy at
St. Vincent dePaul Society
The St. Vincent de Paul Society offers personal assistance that is non-judgemental and based on the need of the individual or family. The Society promotes self-sufficiency, enabling people to help themselves, while maintaining their dignity through a relationship of trust and confidentiality.
Additionally, the Society works to fight poverty in all its forms by partnering with parish organizations and local community resources to provide practical assistance to people in need. All funds come from the generous donations of the parishioners and 100% of the funds are used to assist those in need.
CONTACT: 717-235-2156 ext. 234 or
All information is confidential; someone will contact you within 24 hours.
Car Ministry
Are you planning on selling or trading in your current car? Please consider donating it! St. John’s encourages parishioners to support Stewartstown UMC’s “GRACE” Ministry (“Giving Reliable Automobiles, Creating Empowerment”). Currently, the need for donated cars outweighs the supply.
They accept most vehicles, provided they can be started. The Ministry offers free vehicle pickup and performs minor repair work before giving the car to someone in need, at little or no cost. You would receive the necessary paperwork to file your tax-deductible donation!
CONTACT: Joseph Dablock, 443-250-2498 or

Peace & Justice
Plans projects that provide positive changes in social and human injustices including a strong pro-life stance. We try to educate and take action about the basic needs of life according to the Gospel teachings. Our main purpose is to facilitate parish-wide collections to support people in need.
CONTACT: Teckla Jones,

KnitWits 2
Do you knit or crochet? Would you like to learn how? The “KnitWits 2” Prayer Shawl Ministry creates shawls, lapgans, and prayer squares for anyone needing support, prayers during an illness, or help journeying through critical health issues. They meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month after the 9am daily Mass in the Parish Nursery.
CONTACT: Maggie Manning 410-458-6696.

Bereavement Prayer Shawls
Ministry members crochet or knit prayer shawls which are distributed by our parish priests to a family member or friend at the funeral of their loved one. The ministry prayer is that the one who receives this shawl be cradled in hope, kept in joy, graced with peace, and wrapped in love.
CONTACT: Pat Salemi