Pastoral/Spiritual Ministries
Care for Creation
St. John's Care for Creation ministry promotes awareness of church teaching on environmental justice and climate change, and our intimate connection with the natural world that sustains all life. Through individual, family, and parish actions, we can respond to our call to be stewards of God's creation.
CONTACT: Mike Wright 717-235-7081 or

For sick or homebound parishioners who would like to listen to the St. John's weekend Mass at home. To reserve a spot, contact the Parish Office 717-235-2156
Church Radio Station, WSJB: listen to Mass live at 87.9 FM (coverage area is about 1.5 mile radius from St. John's in most areas)

Family Ministry
St. John the Baptist Family Ministry exists for this purpose- to help your family create space for God in your family life. We continue to offer the Family Retreats in the Fall and Winter and family activities for Advent & Lent.
Annual Women's Retreat
This is a day, usually in the Spring, for women to come together and take some time for themselves and God.
The day begins with Mass, then there is usually input on a spiritual topic, time for quiet prayer, an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, time for Adoration, a delicious lunch, and possibly time for sharing about the day's input.
All women are welcome!
CONTACT: Parish Office 717-235-2156

Men's Spirituality Group
The Men’s Group meets most Saturdays during the school year from 6:30 to 8:00 AM in the St. Elizabeth Center. All men – married, single, widowed & divorced - from freshmen in High School and up, who are looking to build up their spiritual lives and be in fellowship with other men striving for holiness are encouraged to visit and participate.
CONTACT : Deacon Carl Freidhoff
Perpetual Eucharistic Adortion
Eucharistic Adoration is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the Corpus Christi Chapel which is located in the rear of the Main Church building. To become an Adorer, please contact:
Cathy Wildasin 717-318-3641 or
Anne-Marie Brizendine 717-968-8442
See "Adoration Chapel Needs" on our Home Page to see the times where adorers are most needed.

Seven Sisters Apostolate
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop. Each member commits to a Holy Hour on a distinct day of the week but may pray at any time on that day.
CONTACT: Pat Smith

Marriage Preparation
(Mentor Couple)
The engaged couple meets one-on-one with a mentor couple who administers the "Focus" instrument, which is an assessment tool for their relationship. This process helps to guide the couple in their preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage.
CONTACT: Parish Office 717-235-2156